Ricky (c) Ricky Galahad
Alethia, Beldin (c) Kylen Miles
Spirit (c) Connie Smernos
Dervish (c) Casey Johnson
Jeff, Buddy, Rango (c) William Cooper
Cricket (c) Emma Brown
Ninetails (c) Jessica Hanson
Star (c) Katherine Gore
Huntress (c) Greywolf Lupous
Penny (c) Nicole Messina
Sierra (c) Elista Adkins
Dylan, Zudnik, Briggs, Ray, Carmen, Sash, Rune, Kytec, Mike (c) Dylan Rinald

Star, Colleen, Ricky, Jeff, and Alethia are seen in an intense (yeah right)  fight against Parvo's canomutants....again...

STAR: (slugging a canomutant) You know, no matter how many times we do this, it never seems to bore me.

RICKY: (dodging a shot) I don't think it's supposed to bore us. It's our job.

JEFF: Not the greatest job ever....

ALETHIA: (kicking one to the ground) No one said it would be fun, you know...

The other canos flee as usual. (SUCKERS!)

COLLEEN: Jolly good show, all. You're improving.


STAR: Don't get so worked up, Rickster.

RICKY: Yeah, but....

ALETHIA: We'll discuss it later. Let's just get out of here already. I'm tired.

JEFF: I'm not. (smiles)

STAR: Whatever.

They return to HQ. Hunter is waiting outside.

HUNTER: So, how'd it go? Good?

COLLEEN: The usual, Huntey.

HUNTER: Uh, okay, whatever the usual is.

Hunter, Colleen, Ricky, and Alethia go in.

JEFF: Doesn't he ever get anything?

STAR: The day he does is the day I get a date with Dimitri.

They go in. They enter the dining area and see Dylan sipping a soda, apparently looking kinda bored.

DYLAN: Oh hey guys.

JEFF: Yo, Dy. What's up?

DYLAN: Other than the sky, nothing else.

STAR: Something wrong? You don't look so spiffy.

DYALN: I'm fine. Just thinking.

JEFF: (sitting down) About what?

STAR: Did Blitz say something rotten to you again?

DYLAN: No, he's ignored me all day, but that's not it.

JEFF: Well?

DYLAN (sighs) Been thinking about some friends of mine I used to know.

STAR: You miss them, huh?

DYLAN: Kinda yeah. Haven't seen them since....geez, I can't remember how long it's been.

JEFF: Like who?

DYLAN: It's not important.

STAR: (pulling out a Sherlock Holmes hat and puts it on) Why don't we track them down?

DYLAN: Nah. That's okay. You don't have to. I'll probably see them again someday.

JEFF: I hate to bring it up, but the chances of finding any one dog you know among thousands of them are as good as those of your brother coming back. Slim.

DYLAN: Thanks, Jeffy, that's real encouraging.

STAR: Jeffy, watch what you say, will ya? How do you know what the chances are? You know the topic of his brother is sensitive, anyway.

DYLAN: Star, don't worry about it. He was only trying to get a point across.

STAR: But...

DYLAN: It's okay. I know you meant well, Jeffy.

JEFF: I'm still sorry.

DYLAN: Don't be. You're probably right anyway. (gets up) I'm going to bed. I have shopping to do in the morning.


DYLAN: G'night, you guys. (yawns as he leaves)

JEFF: Boy, I really botched up, didn't I?

STAR: Well maybe, but I guess you do have a point, after all.

JEFF: And a bad thing to bring it up before Christmas, huh?


JEFF: Remind me not to bring up the topic of his brother next time.

STAR: That's your job, you know, but let's just kill the topic right here and go to bed.

JEFF: Uh, okay.

They head off to bed.

The next the briefing room, all the Rovers except Dylan, Spirit, and Alethia are there.

MASTER: Rovers, today we have something special to report.

DERVISH: Yeah, what is it?

MASTER: First of all, Dervish, get your feet off the table.

DERVISH: Oh right, sorry.....

MASTER: Now then, today we are to add a new Rover squadron.

BLITZ: Don't we have enough?

MIKE: The more the merrier.

BLITZ: Did I ask you?

MIKE: Ppppbbbbbttt!!!

BLITZ: Don't make me bite your---

MASTER: Blitz! Enough!

BLITZ: Sorry.

MASTER: Geez. Ahem, as I was saying, you will meet a new group of Rovers who should be quite interesting and helpful.

RICKY: Okay. Suites me fine.

MASTER: Rovers, I'd like you to meet....the members of the Rovers Special Task Force!

In come seven new Rovers and the others stare.

MIKE: Cool!

STAR: You mean CooooOOOOooool!

GERMAN SHEPARD: All right men, ten hut!

LABRADOR: This isn't the army, you know.


NINETAILS: I think we can single some out already.

COLLEEN: (smiling) Maybe.

MASTER: First is their leader, Sgt. Briggs, the German Shepard.

BRIGGS: I salute you all.

EXILE: Oh boy...

MASTER: Second in command is Zudnik, the Siberian husky/ wolf.


EXILE: ZUDNIK! Long see no timeski!

MASTER: Next is Carmen, the sussex spaniel.

CARMEN: Hi everyone!!!

STAR: (to Colleen) I gotta find out who grooms her hair!

MASTER: Following Carmen is Raymond, the labrador retriever.

RAY: Yo!

JEFF: (eager to be strange) Word up, G-funk!

RAY: How's it chillin'?

HUNTER: Oh brother.

JEFF: Just fooling around.

NINETAILS: We can see that.

MASTER: Next up is Sash, the French poodle.

SASH: Salut, everybodee!

BLITZ: RRRRRUFF! What a babe!

SASH: Ewww! Dobermans. Humph!

BLITZ: You think she likes me?

MIKE: Oh yeah, she adores you.

MASTER: Number six is Rune, the beagle.

RUNE: (waving) Hi!

DERVISH: Hi! (waves back)

EXILE: Don't be weird, boy.

DERVISH: Hey, ya gotta be nice these days.

MASTER: And finally is Ky---hey, where'd he go?

KYTEC: (from behind Shag) Here.

MASTER: That's Kytec, the Akita.

KYTEC: And a very stealthy one at that, may I add.

MASTER: Uh, yes indeed.

MIKE: Hmmm...

HUNTER: Something wrong, Mike?

MIKE: ....hmm? Oh it's nothing. Just had a bad feeling about something.

BUDDY: Oh, well nice to meet you, Kytec.

KYTEC: The pleasure is all mine.

ZUDNIK: Don't mind him. He's always that way.

SHAG: Rah reff rug ra!

COLLEEN: Yeah, I've wondered the same thing too.

STAR: Wondered what?

COLLEEN: Our little holiday shoppers have been gone since 6 this morning and aren't back yet.

PENNY: I wouldn't be worried about them so much.

JEFF: It's not like they got lost or something.

RANGO: They'll probably be back soon, mate. Just watch.

DERVISH: Maybe they got run over by that reindeer.

RICKY: Derv, you cease to amaze me.

A door opens down the hall.

PENNY: See? Told ya!

Spirit and Alethia come in.

SPIRIT: Hi everyone! Sorry we weren't back earlier. We had lots of fun!


ALETHIA: Yeah, good thing we got up so early. There was just enough stuff left for us to grab before they all ran out.

NINETAILS: So whatcha get?

SPIRIT: Wait till Christmas.

NINETAILS: Oh right.

ALETHIA: Are these the new recruits? (waves to them) Hi. I'm Alethia.

SPIRIT: And I'm Spirit.

CARMEN: Nice to meet you.

SASH: Now those two gerls have zee class, no?

Dylan finally comes in, dragging his shopping bags.

DYLAN: (not paying attention to what's going on) Geez! This is gonna hurt my wallet.

JEFF: Hey buddy! How's it goin'?

BUDDY: Got enough stuff there?

DYLAN: Funny. Very funny. For your information, I had to------(looking up)....................

HUNTER: Something wrong?

DYLAN: (jaw drops)

RICKY: Anyone wanna fill in the blank?

STAR: Is he okay?

SPIRIT: I dunno. Dylan? Dylan? You all right?

BRIGGS: Dylan....?

RAY: Dylan?


SASH: Oh my!

KYTEC: ..........

RUNE: Dylan......?


ALL: DYLAN!!!!!!

DYLAN: I can't believe it!!!!

BLITZ: Am I missing something here?

STAR: (thinking for a moment, her eyes then open wide) Oh my gosh!

JEFF: What?

STAR: I just figured it out!

ALL: What?!

STAR: Dylan, are these the friends you talked about yesterday?

DYLAN: (nods, dumbfounded) Uh huh....

JEFF: Wow! You're good Star!

STAR: (pulling out Holmes cap again) Elementary, my dear Jeffy.

Zudnik walks to the opposite side where Dylan is and stops in front of him. They look at each other without a sound. The place goes quiet.

RICKY: cricket, cricket, cricket...

CRICKET: Ha ha....amusing, Ricky.

RICKY: You know how crickets get. It's all quiet. Just a joke.

CRICKET: Very cute.

RICKY: I thought it was.

CRICKET: You would.

ALETHIA: Shhhhhh....

ZUDNIK: How long has it been?

DYLAN: Too long for either of us.

They both smile, and suddenly hug each other.

ALL: Awwwwwwww....

SPIRIT: That's so sweet. Friends reunited at last.

EXILE: I am so deeply touched. (He starts crying)


EXILE: Da! ( He takes it and blows his nose)

SIERRA: Sensitive guy.

JEFF: Well, I guess it turned out all right in the end.

STAR: Seems that way.

BELDIN: Aren't happy endings cool?

SPIRIT: With new members, and a touching reunion of friends, things around here are gonna be pretty interesting.

RICKY: Aren't I interesting enough?

ALETHIA: Oh just shoot me now.

SIERRA: Take me with you, girlfriend.


RICKY: What?

Later that night, Huntress sees Dylan and Zudnik on the steps of Mission Control, talking. She approaches them with a smile, and the two look up at her.

HUNTRESS: Hey, you two. Havin' a nice conversation?

DYLAN: Pretty much. Just trying to make up for lost time.

ZUDNIK: Apparently we have a lot of catching up to do.

HUNTRESS: I can imagine that, considering the fact that you two haven't seen each other for such a long time.

ZUDNIK: I didn't think Dylan would end up as a Road Rover in his own right. I knew he was a good kid, but I never imagined this at all.

DYLAN: I didn't either, but here we are.

ZUDNIK: Yeah...

HUNTRESS: You guys should really get to bed, you know. It's well after midnight.

DYLAN: We will in a few minutes.

HUNTRESS: Well I'm turning in for the night.

DYLAN: Weren't you and Blitz gonna go for a stroll along the beach tonight?

HUNTRESS: Not a chance. He's been snooping around my room for Christmas presents, so it's no fun for him tonight.

They all crack a smile.

HUNTRESS: I'll see you guys in the morning. Bye.

ZUDNIK: Bye, Huntress.

DYLAN: Later!

Huntress leaves. Zudnik and Dylan look back at each other.

ZUDNIK: Maybe we should go to bed after all. I'm pretty tired from all the commotion today.

DYLAN: Yeah...

Zudnik gets up and starts to go in. Dylan gets up.


Zudnik turns his head.



Zudnik grins at Dylan, then turns back and leaves.

DYLAN: Gone for over a year.........he hasn't changed a bit.

Dylan smiles happily and walks inside.